7 ways to find time to exercise with a baby

New baby and can't seem to find time to train? It can be very frustrating, particularly if you were used to your 1hr+ long workouts prior baby.

Here are 7 small steps I have successfully tried and tested myself and with clients during the postpartum months:
1. Practice pelvic floors exercises and stomach 'vacuum' at each baby feeds. A little often goes a long way and makes a significant difference with these essential exercises

2. Do mini workouts: pick 2-3 key basic strength or core exercises or 15min interval training at home or outdoors during baby's naps or outings. Keep it low impact and focus on proper technique particularly up until 25weeks postpartum.

3. Get baby involved: some exercises are safe to do while baby's on playmat or in your sling such as ball squatting, bridging with baby on your tummy or modified push-ups kissing baby on your way down.

4. Walk!walk!walk: wear your trainers and training gear when out with pram or sling. From 25 + weeks postpartum, alternate walking and jogging.

5. Push pram with awareness: keeping shoulders back and down, holding abs and firing glutes.

6. During baby pre-crawling stage, join a Mum&Baby specialised exercise or buggy class where you and baby can make new friends, or join with existing friends or mums you met during your antenatal class, for mutual motivation.

7. Once baby is a little older and you've been cleared by your Exercise Specialist/Physician to do so, join a local gym or community class with crèche facility or organise for daddy or another parent to look after baby so you can pop out for a workout, brisk walk or jog.

Source: http://strongmamatraining.com